Panjiakou Great Wall location coordinates: 40°26′1.78″ North
118°16′10.28″ East.

In Hebei Province there are many locations of the Great Wall of China to be visited. Panjiakou Great Wall of China is located about halfway between Tangshan City and Qinhuangdao, near the Xifengkou Great Wall 60 kilometers northwest of the county seat of Qianxi.

A Part of this section of the wall has been submerged under a reservoir and can be seen by boat. At the large manmade lake and dam known as the Panjiakou Reservoir, the Great Wall marches down the slopes into the water and emerges in equally unrestored form on the far shore.
Here the wall zigzags from Xifengkou across the mountain to Panjiakou. In the past, the two sections relied heavily on each other for mutual defense.

- Tangshan Prefecture, Panjiakou - Introduction -
This page was last updated: May 19, 2017
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